Rue, confident, energetic doodle, and CUTE, learning leash walking, how to wait, playing with her buddy Murph, Teaching calmness!

Scout and Nora, sitting pretty. Teaching leash manners to Scout, 7 months, and exposure. Nora, who I adore is smart, cute, playful. I have grown fond of the smaller doodles!

Archie, one of the cutes dogs I have trained. Its so hard not to keep your hands off him! However, we are training him not to demand bark, go to place, leash walking. Teaching Calmness.

Rocky, 7 month old Britney Spaniel teaching him to walk, exercise on Longline. I love hunting dogs, most have super high energy(prey drive), and are very good natured, and quick learners. Rocky is adorable! Their energy needs to be channeled though.

Piper, fun, smart, athletic, loving the longline training for more freedom!

Millie, 4 year old boxer, with so much enthusiasm. We are teaching her calmness in the house with no jumping!

Luna, worked on her excitability! Super Smart!

Doug, a Irish Setter, Beautiful, working on overall structure and total recall, off leash recall.

German Shepard with aggression issues but only needed a tune up. Owner had already done a great job with him.

Ursus after one of our many walks together

Oliver, perhaps the cutest puppy I have ever trained.

Whaler, a 12lb pocket rocket on jet fuel. His prey was directed to retrieve and OMG, he retrieve with so much intensity it was amazing to watch. We worked on calming him down in the house through structure. He is one of my favorites!

Toby, my dog of 15 years, an Australian Cattle Dog, highly intelligent, tough as nails. I will get another ACD at some point. They are not for first time owners. They need mental and physical activity every day, and lots of it.

Peaches, at 6 months old. A bundle of energy. We worked on crate training and structure, routines.

Fenn a gorgeous English Springer Spaniel. Wonderfully sweet, and super smart and energetic. I worked on dog leash reactivity.

Owners were having a baby so needed help on setting boundaries, defining space, to ensure the baby is safe.

Harley, incredibly smart, needy, but I really enjoyed her!

Otis and Brickley, 2 massive pullers, separation anxiety, energy to spare but I enjoyed their exuberance. It just needed to be channeled.

Dolly, a gently bully mix learning how to walk on a leash and basic obedience.

Chloe a mix, who we worked on leash working, recall, over excitement, and dog reactivity and basic obedience. She was lovely to work with her and her owner!

Ryder, a dog I saw on Petfinder that I was interesting in adopting myself. She found a great home with Fran. Super sweet and easy to dog to train.

Teaching Loki how to play tug properly. He is 6 month old Great Pyrenees. Most dogs love tug but must learn the rules of engagement.

Teaching Dash how to loose leash walk.

Nellie, dog leash reactive. Positive training only failed.

Impromptu Lesson with XL Bully. I was first one to walk him beside his owner.

Worked on Leash reactivity with white Portaguese Water. It went after everything that moved.

Longline with Dash

Stella and Emma playing.

Oliver as a puppy.
Daisy and my Wife
Daisy, our own dog who was an easy dog who my wife clicker trained to walk perfectly on a leash. She adored my wife. We miss her.

Moose, reactive toward other dogs.

Ufa as a puppy, great temperament since mostly Golden Retriever and Great Pyrenees.

This Plot Hound needed more structure on leash in urban environment to build his confidence with all the distractions.

Kira, another Akita I trained beside Ursus

Kira, looking exotic! Needed help on leash walking.

Two great dogs but in need of structure They are siblings that bring a whole host of problems.

Penny, needed help on leash walking. Nice dog. An incident where 2 off leash bully mix dogs targeted her and owner in park through no fault of owner. Dogs need to be on a leash at all times UNLESS you have 100% recall. How many owners have 100% recall.


George, a big boy who needed help calming down with guest meaning no jumping, barking or evading other peoples space without permission.

Moose who I walked a few times.

Willow, part ACD, learning environmental socialization, and building trust with others outside her family. She is a puppy here.

Maya, so happy and willing to please yet so smart and so easy to train.

ZuZu and Clarence, Pugs! These guys would get so excited, swarming with excitement!

Burgos Pointer, Raul. Owners did a super job training him. So sweet, happy, and smart. He will be 100lbs.

Dexter, pocket size but with a lot of energy that needed to be directed.

Luna as a puppy. She is a Lagotto Romagnolo, a “truffle dog”. We worked on crate training and setting up routines.

Loki and me playing tug.

Bandit, my neighbors dog.

Ursus at 4 months.

Coco, needed a lot of work on reactivity to dogs.

Jill, super sweet setter learning how to walk on longline for more freedom.

Murphy, 7 month doodle, learning how to leash walk and rules of the house with her buddy Rue!

Canoli, 7 month old lab, with energy to spare! Leash walking in urban environment was our focus. He loves a game of Tug too which I taught him to do with rules. We use tug to burn off some energy before we go for a walk. I like high energy dogs personally, however if not properly trained they can be problematic for many owner.

Oliver, 6 month old lab, working on leash walking and environmental exposure. Its important to expose puppies early, 8-12 week and beyond to different places, textures, sounds, people, obstacles. This is different from socializing with dogs.

Piper, the super star. Owner had done a good job with him already. I introduced leash walk with advanced longline training, recall from back yard, and Tug. He thrived!

Ryder, Zoe learning how to walk together on lead. I also went over off leash dog protocol since Zoe if fearless if another dog invades her space.