About Wesley and Next Step Dog Training
My name is Wesley Echols and I am a big fan of all kinds of dogs. I owned an Australian Cattle Dog (Toby), a mixed breed rescue (Daisy), and currently, a rescue German Short-Haired Pointer named Emma.
Next Step Dog Training is about creating a positive and balanced relationship between you and your dog by providing structure and leadership through clear communication, repetition, and consistency. Being Calm, Confident, and Consistent in training leads to a well behaved dog.
Previously I worked for decades in pharmaceutical sales and am an eight-year Navy veteran. I am very active, competing in road races, surf ski racing, cycling, and indoor rowing. For many years I was known worldwide for my expertise in surf skis. See my site SurfskiRacing.com.
5K Monster Dash, Wakefield, Rhode Island
Run Newport, Hoka Event, Providence Rhode Island
Double Beaver Surfski Race, Jamestown, Rhode Island
Cycling in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 3rd Beach
Dogs pick up on our emotions and energy levels. Most dogs are excitable enough without our help so training with a calm demeanor improves the relationship and enhances training.
Training involves teaching you and your dog to have confidence in various situations. Leadership is key.
Training requires consistency and a step-by-step approach that builds on itself. The more consistent training is the more success you will have with your dog and other family members. Repetition is a building block to success.